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What is the cost to become a PRO Member?
What are the benefits of a PRO membership?
-Receive 50,000 Credits per Month!
-Account will never be idle
-Advertise up to 50 Web-sites + 75 Text Ads + 100 Banners
-1:1.00 Surfing Ratio (instead of 2:1)
-10 Second Timer
-Random Referrals
-Splash Page Creator
-Referral Payout for 5 Levels 1.50 1.00 0.75 .50 .25 hits/level/referral visit
-Referral Sign-up for 5 Levels 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 hits/level/referral sign-up

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How do I upgrade to PRO Membership?
How do I cancel my PRO Membership?
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